Movie today with Hannah, Pantita and Qiuheng. Met @ cwp and headed to AMKhub for KARATE KID! Bought the ticket and had lunch at Subway. LOL, decided for very long okay. At first Hannah and I were craving for KFC porridge like bloody hell. But there no KFC, and we're talking about when there's Macdonald, there's KFC. But seems like not. Went to Fish and Co, HANNAH's idea. She said the Kid's Meal only $6. So went there, got the menu. I only wanna spend on the soup siah, $3. HAHA. Hannah asked for the Kid's meal menu and the person said it's for children that's 12 and below. Alamak, we decided not to eat there afterwards. But we're already seated and leaving without eating is like very paiseh. To them la, I dont feel anything actually. HAHAHA. So we sneaked out, and the person's face was like... just epic la. LOLOLOL. Settled down at Subway finally. HAHA.
Qiuheng and Pantita were like exaggerating on how nice the KOI milk tea tasted. And Hannah and I were like, got so nice meh. We thought milk tea just taste like.. er, milk tea. Got other taste one meh? Then they went to buy it, the pearl fills up one third of the whole cup. And there's even queue number. So cute. HAHA. Waited for very very long. They finally got it, and okayyyyy. IT'S NICE :D HAHAHAHA. I didnt expect it to taste like this, it's niceeeeeeeeeeee. OMGOMGOMGOMG. HAHAHA.
RANDOM: It's 11:11pm just now, and Siewming & I just wished :D
Headed to the cinema afterwards. Okay we took the seat at the very left side, with 6 seats. And we bought 4 seats in the middle, thinking that nobody would watch movies alone and sit beside us. But we're so so so wrong. So many people watched that 1.30pm show that both the seats were taken. LOL. ): But the show is niceeeeeeeee. Omg. Damn nice. I would rate this as a MUST-WATCH SHOW. Really must watch. It's nice, I wont say out the contents of the show la. Cos you guys need a surprise. HAHA, actually it's my laziness. But whateverrrrr.
Then window shopped afterwards. Saw Mr Poh and his friends. Checked out some lingerie. HAHAHA. Nice, we love undies <3
Slacked around at the staircase afterwards. Chatted about all sorts of stuffs. Until a guard came and said we can't sit around here. And he saw Pan's DSLR and said we can't take photos here. I asked why. It's just the staircase leh, you mean staircase also cannot take photo meh. He had no reasons, so he started telling us off and whatsoever. We just left and ignored him. And we saw this nice wall with reflective material and wanted to take photo of our reflection and he came again. We just walked away again, already frustrated. We got into various shops and at Body Shop, we saw this coffee beans. Excuse me, have you seen coffee beans in shops before. What's more, they're real. So we wanna take photos of them, until that guard saw us again. He's been stalking us, wherever we go afterwards, he's looking at us. And he told us to follow him to the dont know what room. I'm not that scared actually. Cos worse comes to worse, he will just call up our parents. And my parents might in turn tell him off instead, because we're just students who wanna camwhore in a shopping mall? Like that also cannot? And my father look like loan shark anyway, he'll be scared. :D HAHAHAHA. So we followed him, and the supervisor I think, came out. He told us blah blah blah, we argued back. He's nice, patient, etc. So we said we could've followed the rules if that guard told us the reasons and be nicer to us. He's way to harsh, so we started complaining about the guard, and how he should be sacked. LOLOLOL, i really hope he lose his job. I may sound mean, but ultimately, if you're in my shoes, you may hope he suffer ma. HAHAHA.
Enough of the bad part, cos there's more to come. Afterwards we went to Face Shop and looking at those nail polish. We didnt buy any, didnt intend to buy any as well. BUT, Pantita broke a bottle. It's a tester, but still new. So she had to pay for it. LOLOLOL, unlucky day for us ah. It spoilt our mood a little. Then continue walking around. I had many foods that I've never tried before. Take the KOI milk tea for example. I never tried it before. And we're talking about keeping the cups next time we drink it again. After Hannah left, she's always the first to abandon us. LOLOLOL, she LOVE going home. OMG, she's weird. I hate going home. Okay, as I was saying. After Hannah left, we ate cold noodles at the (er, is it?) Japenese shop. It's niceeeeey! HAHAHA, very nice okay. Then we had XXL Crispy Chicken. Long queue man.
Headed to cwp afterwards. Met my mum and sisters, okay.. and brother. Went to John Little to buy bra. Young hearts on sale! HAHAHA. Cheap cheap! :D:D:D
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