Happy Halloween!
I know it's a bit late, but better late than never! I've been looking forward to this day since two years ago. Didn't celebrate it last year cos the date clashed with O'level examinations, and I knew I HAD to go trick or treating this year cos I'm gonna be having A'levels next year. Well that is if I promote, of course. I've been really frustrated cos I don't know what to dress up as. The first time I went I didn't dress up much. I just wore a shirt and shorts with ridiculous make up on and heels. Two years back I went as a zebra with Pantita while Xiaojun went as a school girl. This year, I decided to go as a cute doll. It was really tough cos I didn't have lots of cute stuff to wear. Yeah, cos I'm not a cute girl HAHA. I managed to dig out a pink lace skirt I bought from Bangkok. I've never worn it before and I bought it cos it's nice, eventhough I know I won't wear it. Ok I'll try to wear it out someday, LOL. Borrowed pink rubberbands from Maria to tie two pony tails. And I found a small blue polka dot bag that I bought for my lil bro. HAHA, felt like a kid wearing it.
So that day I had training and I rushed home after training to get ready with my girls. Huilin, Marz and Sheela came over to my place to get dressed. It was sooo much fun. Anyway I really fail at putting on make up. I can't even put lipstick properly, really -.- I was so disappointed with myself. I thought I was better than that HAHAHA.
Anyway, I couldn't draw the eyeliner myself too. And Sheela ruined my makeup with the eyebrows and blusher. HAHA, not that it was any nicer in the first place, but I wouldn't look so horrible at the end. But then again, it's halloween so who the fuck cares? HAHA
All photo credits to Huilin
I should have seen this pic before I entrust Sheela with the lipstick to apply on me. |
My fat arm LOL |
Our ootn!
Huilin (catwoman), Marz (Scary Rabbit), Sheela (Pontianak) and Me (Doll) |
Harry Potter! |
With Yingjie and Alicia! |
Cute pair of twin brothers! |
Phantom of The Opera |
When Catwoman meets Catwoman HAHAH |
It was impossible not to smile at this cute creature. |
"Pretend you're killing me" |
With Ariani |
I look scary here. HAHA |
Huilin and I |
Huilin and Maria |
Paolo and I |
Sheela and Paolo |
Paolo and Marz |
Huilin and Paolo |

I think we left house abit too late (7pm) and by the time we went trick or treating, many houses already ran out of sweets. Nah, actually it wasn't the candies we're after. We're after MARS BARS!!!! Sadly we didn't get any, and I only got one tootsie roll!!! Disappointed, but overall the night went well. It's always fun with my girls. HAHA, wish Pan was here though. I miss celebrating Halloween with her. I think the best dressed for the night is still Paolo Miguel Riego Larioza. HAHAHAHAHAHAH, his full name. Woah, I actually remembered. His name sounds like some magical spell. You know what, I should use it as a spell or something HAHAHA. I can take a wand and go Harry Potter like "RIEGO LARIOZAAAAA!!!!" Ok just kidding, that's really mean. HAHA. Anyway he's really good at make up. He went to school dressed up as a girl once! LOL, yes and he looked pretty. He stole so much attention, especially at Al-ameen during supper. Everyone literally turned and looked at him, and whispers "Omg that's Michael Jackson". HAHA, so cool. I'm still damn impressed with his make up skills, he really looked like MJ. Next time I wanna dress up like this too, and make sure people approach me for a photo or something. I realised those Caucasians really took the effort to dress up. I saw a guy dressed up as a shark. Everyone made way for him man, he looked too threatening. Even young kids dressed up really well. Unlike some people who doesn't dress up at all. I saw a group of people who didn't dress up, yet asking for sweets. Ridiculous! They looked as though they happened to walk past and realized that there's trick or treating going on so they joined in as well.
I really wished the night could last longer. Cos when I went back home, reality sets in that I've got school the next day. It just sucks to think about school when I'm all enjoying myself.
Oh and I realized many people actually didn't know there was such a place that celebrates Halloween in Singapore!!! Huilin didn't know, and she was so surprised. I wonder if Woodlands is the only place that have this kind of thing. Does anyone know?
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