Happy IKEA Family
This is a damn nice and cosy bedroom
No peeping!
Haha, Shafixx the all time womanizer.
&WTH is Dillon doing with, searching for food in the fridge ah. haha.
Alison, got to get used to her craziness. (Standing beside her makes me look normal :D)
The Jaw eats the Kangaroo.
Walau, Alison look so smexzsy.
K, I'm such a spoiler.
Rasyidah acting cute in the babycot! Haha.
K wth, candid candid!
Haha, me acting feminine (I mean I already am!) with the towel.
Woohoo, the 4 hottest woman. (in IKea -,-)
& Of course the most striking one (on red chair) is the BIG BOSSSS~!
Dinner at Matthio's house. Haha, furnitures not from IKEA hor! Lol. This is real house.
All the food. Pasta, Fried something, and Fried Rice.
K, let me start my story. Once upon a time, nine students from 2E4 formed the most cutest thing on Earth, "The IKEA Family"! Haha, gonna check out Tampines IKEA as well, so stay updated by reading my holiday's posts okay!
So the nine of us {Me-BIG BOSS, Rasyidah-miniboss, Zena, Shafixx, Dillon, Xiaojun, Joel, Max, Alison} set off to Queenstown to settle the Class Tees problem. 33 are buying, and I'm not entertaining the rest of them whose not buying. The boss was at the shop, so the issue was settled fast. $200 as deposit, and I have to email them the design and the sizes collation. Dont worry k, I got the receipt. The design is sent, before that I got a returned mail, scared the shit out of me, thought we duped, haha, but now I send alr la.
PS: Shafiq, Dillon and Joel ran across the main road. You guys are 'out-of-my-GANG!' haha.
Then set off to IKEA as it is within walking distance from the Queenstown Shopping Mall, and Rasyidah and I were competing to see whose the better boss. Haixzs, she just cant beat me, THE BIG BOSS! MUAHAHA. Went to IKEA and I bet you can imagine how much fun we had over there just by looking at those photos I posted above. We went to take a look at the houses inside IKEA and they rocked man! Lol, "I wanna room just like that!" Haha, we looked just like a happy family, agree? Haha, Zena said Rasyidah looked like a maid instead of a miniboss. LOL!
After alot alot of fun, set off to Matthio's house at around 4-5pm as his house is at Commonwealth, very near Queenstown. Xiaojun and I went to his house before, it was nicely furnished and there is always nice food to eat, not that I like to eat or what okay! Lol, it's just that, the food is always so nice. Haha. His mother is super friendly and pretty, and his father is a great cook. Wished I had a father like that, lol.
Settled at his house, his mum let us choose some DVDs to watch. Matthio insisted on 'Saving Private Ryan', the one Mr Shah was talking about during History classes. But because we were eating (ham&cheese on cracker), the scene was too horrible that it spoiled our appetite. So Matthio's mum decided to change the movie to 'Blades of Glory', it was damn hilarious. Those who are interested, maybe you can go search it at the internet or something. I swear you'll love it, cos I loved it, and am still loving it.
The story is about a ice skating. There a sissie, he skate real well, and he's got an enemy. His enemy is, of course, a bit tough, and skates just as well as he does. And during the nationals, they both scored equally well, and had to share the championships. Lol, who likes to share the championships trophy, so they fought. And they were banned from participating in any Male Singles Competition for their whole lives. Yea, and three years later, the sissie thought of a plan. He decided to join a competition with a partner, so that it wont be a Singles Competition. And they succeeded. Go check out their dance moves, damn funny one.
Haha, Matthio's father cooked alot of food. He even offered to cook dinner for us. So we stayed for dinner, dinner includes fried rice, fried something, and pasta (macaroni). Haha, nice. This time Xiaojun's the pig. Haha, we gonna go to Matthio's house again someday for lunch cum dinner, it's gonna be steamboat. Lol, and I told them ghost stories. They were all pissed off at the doraemon thing, but Zena and Matthio screamed at the Barbie Doll story. Haha, Matthio even asked for a pat from his mummy. Lol, and he has a dog named Nixe, if i'm not wrong. Lol. K, enough about his fabulous house.
Told ghost stories to the class, they insisted. Was so embarrassed because I know they wont be frightened. And watched some videos prepared by some of them from the class to us. It was nice, but I more looking forward to Rasyidah's. It better be good. Haha. And also watched Chubby Bunny, I wanna play it too! Lol, I didnt play it that time because I do not like the taste of marshmallows. I can vomit, not nice one, but for the game, worth it la. Haha, planning the class outing as well! :D
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