So Friday (9 Nov 2012) marks the end of a horrible horrible subject, Project Work. To be honest, I think this subject is not that bad. But given the fact that you have to work with different types of difficult people, is just insane I swear. I lost count the number of times I actually held my temper in to talk to my Cambodian group leader nicely. From first look, people might just think that we throw all the work for him to do, since he's the scholar, and he's the group leader, he's always the one with the laptop, he's always doing something, we're always doing "nothing". You know what, in front of other people, it might be true. But behind it, HAH, we're doing everything. The moment you start being nice to him, he throws all the work to you. He said he was gonna be the one collating, you send him a piece of work, he says he don't understand, "so can you do it instead?". The girls and I really gave in a lot to work with him.
Once, he sent me a text asking me to start contributing more to the group and that he can't do this alone. He claimed to be the SOLE editor of the Written Report. And I'm just like "WTF". I don't intend to credit myself for anything, but I really think I should now. Just in case people don't see the hard work I put in and think I'm just a free loader in the group. Two of the three strategies of our project are thought by me, within 2 days upon the submission of our second last WR draft before the final one. 2 days! And if anyone thinks I'm overreacting cos it's MERELY thinking, think again! If it was so easy, why wasn't our previous ideas accepted? We took 7 months to edit the past few ideas, and they still weren't good enough. I took 2 days to think of 2 ideas that were eventually good enough to be accepted. Not that I'm good or anything, but I really thought very hard about them. Just cos I'm staring into space, you don't assume I'm doing nothing, I'm brainstorming...and breathing. Yay me for multi-tasking -_- It may be true that he did most of the WR himself, but so? He can't do shit with damn good A&E (Analysis & Evaluation) and no fucking GI (Generation of Ideas).
Initially I had an idea of setting up a Musical as one of our strategies, but he argued that he wanted a Concert instead. And I'm like, concert is too common in Singapore, but musical is special and unique. Despite my reasonings, he insists on a concert. (THERE'S NOT MUCH DIFF BETWEEN A CONCERT AND A MUSICAL IN THE FIRST PLACE) His strategy was rejected anyway. Then he insisted on having his target audience as disabled. The teacher rejected the idea and told us to change it to adults. But he insisted eventhough the whole group disagrees. ARGH see how hard it is to work with him?! And we just watched him argue with our pw teacher. WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM MAN.
Oh and he has a Question and Answer Bank (a whole stack of thick notes). But while we were discussing our Q&A, he just sat in one corner reading the notes while the girls are discussing and brainstorming. How selfish.
Ok but anyway, I'm just super glad it's over. The girls, Charlene and Weishuen, and I really had a hard time, but it definitely brought us together. HAHA
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Charlene Me Weishuen Kosal |
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So the OP was ok, my speech was perfect! For the past few rehearsals, I either stumbled or my pace was too fast. But thank god during the final OP, I did it perfectly! So afterwards was Q&A, I kinda just rushed through it but I did answer the question so I guess it was okay. I was just too excited for it to be over. HAHAHA, I managed to suppress the urge to screeaaaaaam my lungs out.
So after OP, we met up with Jiawei's group whose also having their OP in the afternoon. The rest of the class had theirs early in the morning and headed over to Gabriel's house already. Our class planned to have class outing at Gabriel's house for BBQ. And yes, everyone attended, surprisingly even Vivian and I. HAHAHA, we struggled really long with our decisions though. Anyway, it was pouring like crazy after our OP and there was simply no way we could get out of school. It was kinda unlucky for it to rain cos it messed up our transport plans, but at the same time we're lucky it didn't rain during our OP itself cos it would mean we had to speak louder. Took three cabs to Gabriel's house.
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Yay us for 100% attendance! |
Christine, Jiawei, Charlene and I played mahjong while the rest were playing other games around the house. LOL, the house was too big. Some were playing soccer/taboo/other board or card games upstairs, while the rest were playing Wii dowstairs. And we're just chilling in the aircon room, mahjonging woo. I'm not really good at mahjong, and I don't know how to count the number of "tai" I have, but that day I finally learnt how to!!! NOW I FEEL LIKE PLAYING IT HAHAHA
The food was really good. We even had chocolate fondue! I especially love the potato salad. All in all, the BBQ was awesome. Continued with mahjong afterwards. Both Vivian's and my plans later in the night got cancelled so we went home reluctantly, while the rest stayed over or already went home earlier. Not to forget the awkward car ride to the bus stop in Gabriel's dad's mercedes car. LOL
Woke up in the morning (not very early hahaha) the next day, got dressed and head over to Maria's house. I took so long to decide what to wear, and I settled with this striped bodycon dress. I've always kept this dress in the wardrobe but never thought of wearing it, and I had no idea why I decided to wear it that day hahaha. Anyway I called Maria more than ten times I think, she simply refused to wake up! She finally answered the call when I was already downstairs her house. Hahaha, Sheela came over a while after and we camwhored with her iPhone 5 hehe.
Went over to Bugis cos I needed to buy so many things. Ok not need, I guess. I just wanna splurge!!! The way I shop is weird. It's like I need to buy something to kick start the shopping feel. Once I buy one thing, I just keep buying and buying. It's as though all the nice things are glowing before my eyes. HAHAHA. I bought from bugis:
a top for $15
a tote bag for $15 + a pair of earrings as free gift
a long skirt for $20
a black hand bag for $28
And I spent on food:
I <3 for="for" p="p" taimei="taimei">3>
(Lemon Crispy Chicken + Seaweed fries + Honey lemon w/ aloe vera)
We head over to Bugis+ after that. WHAT A TRANSFORMATION FROM ILUMA! I must say I'm really impressed. Bugis+ simply owned Iluma and made the previous owner of Iluma look uber fail. HAHAHA. I've never seen Iluma this crowded before and there are several newly opened shops there. Very interesting, like the St.Games. HAHA funny. We went to sing K at KSuites. Super pleased with the room, the pillow, the blankets, the computer with internet access, the wireless mike. HAHAHA, the room is just really good. Kinda wasted that we didn't manage to catch the 3 hours of singing session before 7pm, so we paid about $26 each.
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Marz's ootd |
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Our ootd |
Before I left Bugis, I saw this damn freaking gorgeous pair of shoes. It's like I'm not even in need of shoes, but I know I just had to buy that. It's the nicest shoes I've ever seen. Leathered pumps with skull-studs. But it was priced at $39, and if I bought that, I wouldn't have enough cash to buy the bag (which I needed more). I made a promise to myself that if the next time I go Bugis, that pair of shoes is still there, I will buy it without hesitation. It's really nice, and the material was perfect. We head over to Somerset F21 after that cos Maria and I needed to change our oversized shorts that we bought 3 days ago, while Sheela left to meet her family. F21's shorts sizes are really weird! And we changed our blue shorts to the shocking green colour one! Omg, I'm sooo in love with it I can't wait to wear it out hahaha. Anyway the price was $23 only.
Went over to Scape to find Eugene and Andriche, who was with Sean and one of their girl friend. Sean was acting gay and hugging us HAHAHA, totally hilarious. So funny how they always slack at town, and they actually get tired from slacking?! I'd rather they tag along with Marz and I for shopping and help us carry our stuffs lor. Went over to Botak Jones to eat fish and chips. I wanna sound a bit suaku now and say that I was really intrigued by the little disc device they use. :P
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My poor left hand. Anyway these marks took really long to disappear.
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Maria and Andriche |
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Maria and I |
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Eugene, Marz and I |
Went over to Marz's house to sleepover. The initial plan was to dye our hair and settle the Secret Santa thingy, but we completely forgot about Secret Santa. Anyway I bought Liese hair dye ash brown colour, and the colour turned out really dark. I mean, it's darker than my previous hair colour. Sighs, but nevermind, at least my hair colour is even now.
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HAHA me and my surgical gloves. |
Competing with Pao over twitter to see whose more bored. LOL, guess who won?
Some photo updates on Wednesday:
3 different flavoured chicken, garlic grilled prawns, egg, strawberry smoothie, garlic mushroom soup and garlic bread. Ok what's with the garlic. -_- |
Vivian came over to my house to cook western meal for my family! It was really fun and exciting to cook, cos fyi I hardly enter the kitchen cos my Mom dominates it. HAHA, but this day, she went to Vietnam with my cousin for holiday! So we got the kitchen all to ourselves.
I got changed afterwards and met Maria for a job interview that Jingwei (my work partner at the last IT show I worked for) introduced to me. The pay is really good! $8/hour + commission. The person, apparently was really honoured to have us JC students working for him cos he desperately needed promoters who are good in English. And the plus points are Marz and I are experienced in being promoters. We've worked as promoters for several times already. So by the end of this month (hopefully), we will be working at EpiCentre selling Apple accessories. I will be working at Ion Orchard, and Marz will be working at 313 @ Somerset during weekends (only). Yay, and we can have our breaks together. Meanwhile during the weekdays, we will be working as promoters in some other IT shows.
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Chillin' at Cold Stone after job interview. |
Both Marz and I were damn impressed at how they toss and catch the icecreams! HAHA, the person failed to catch my icecream, sadly. But he made a new one for me. I ordered Founder's Favourite, while Marz ordered Coffee Lovers Only. We both had a really hard time deciding which to choose!
Our ootd |
Sang karaoke for only an hour after that. I didn't know it could be that fun to sing with only one friend! I think it's cos they only provide us with two mikes, that's why it's fun! HAHA
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