Today is the last training of this year, and only 13 people came. THAT, is sad. Aiya, who cares la, I got come can already. HAHA, anw, did gym training in the morning, lunch break and played set games with the juniors. Er, TO ANY JUNIORS READING THIS:
I dont know what you guys are thinking, but I really REALLY hope all of you can buck up. K? Siewming and Huili, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help to assist your captains. Siewming got experience hor, dont think I dont know.
Er anw, let's jump. Today is TANG YUAN DAY, and everyone in training are talking about tangyuan and I havent eaten them yet. I was craving for it during training la. Was so happy when papa smsed to say that we're having dinner and tangyuan at Ahma's house. My Ahma say eat tangyuan means grow one year older. K, when I was young I was damn confused. I thought every year I grow three years old. Cos my ahma say,
"Chinese New Year, get angpow means grow older one year already ah." on Chinese New Year.
"Birthday come already, grow one year older liao ah." on my birthday.
"Eat tangyuan means grow one year older already hor." on Tangyuan Day.
LOLLLL, aiya, that time still young and stupid. HAHAHA.
Oh, and and and, MY NEW CLOSET CAME TODAY! YAY, I DAMN HAPPY LA. GOT MORE ROOM FOR MY CLOTHES! HAHAHA, it's damn nice one la. But the sad thing is, my sisters get to choose their area first. AND SADLYYYYYY, my space is at the bottom when I'm so TALL, so supposedly mine should be at the top? HAHAHA, no la, just joking. But aiya, nevermind. I know what to do with my space already anw. And, the closet got a wood smell that can make my eyes and nose damn pain. My eyes will turn watery, aiya, it's damn painful one. Then I go spray my area with the silky girl perfume I got from my aunty as christmas present. HEHE, smell so nice :D
Hmm, OH YA. My younger sister is admitted to WOODLANDS RING SECONDARY SCHOOL! HELL YEAH, three sisters in WRSS :D She's joining Volleyball, aiya, she better join volleyball. Cos I wont allow her to join any others. HIAKHIAK. Many volleyballers came to this school. Not bad ah, next year c'div got hope. HEHE, but still must work hard okay!
Hmm, think that's all for today. YAH, so BYEBYE!
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