Going to ride bike from 888 Plaza to Sembawang Park and I dont have a bike. Can anyone see this? I dont have a bike. I mean, I have one, but it's way back at my grandparents house. Good thing is I went there today, BUT! My mum wont let me borrow it from my Grandpa. He cycle around his neighbourhood everyday. But I just wanted to borrow it for a day! Sigh.
She warned me not to go cycling, but wth. That time she teach us how to cycle until wanna die then now she dont wanna let me cycle with my friends. At this moment, I came way too close to disliking her. Damn it, she's being unreasonable. Nevermind, so I shall still go cycling tmr and come back as a piece. So that I can show her it wont hurt to cycle -,-
Haha, yea. Watch it, I'm gonna come back still as a piece. Lol, like duh la. It's either I dont come back, or I come back, as a piece -,- Hahaha. K, done with my mother. Now to my father. He keeps thinking my brother has sugar rush. It means he eats too much sugar and it's making him too hyperactive. Isnt it good for a kid to be hyperactive, than sitting in a corner and emo. Lol, dont think kids know how to emo la, but sometimes my brother do that to catch our attention and go sayang him. haha. And my mother totally shut him up by saying,"You never even eat sugar also talk so much (active), imagine if you eat sugar. Worst than Xiang Xiang (my bro) lo." Haha, then my funny father replied,"That's becos I'm naturally active." My mum shot back,"Then Xiang Xiang also naturally active la,." Hahaha.
I think my brother is so cute sometimes. BUT! He can be super annoying, so annoying that you feel like you wanna strangle him and smile at his corpse. Haha, serious. He can ask you so many questions without even needing you to reply to him. That day I was imagined bringing him to take public bus. Omg, the conversation would be as follows: (translated from chinese)
Xiang: Jie, where are we going ah jie? Where exactly are we going Jie? Huh, jie, answer me, where are we going leh?
Me: Going to school.
Xiang: Oooh, going to school ah? Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.
Xiang: Jie, answer me. Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.Then why is the uncle drive us one leh. Who is the uncle ah. Who exactly is the uncle jie? Huhhh, this is so weird oh, jie.
Hahaha. Okay, abit exaggerating at the last part. But it's exactly what he usually do okay. Lol. I wouldnt bother typing it out. So annoying, but I still love my brother. I still remember how deadly I missed him when I was away in Beijing for 10 days. Love you Xiang :D
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