Lol, I'm being a good girl today. Was at home studying. Was abit fussed up about the D&T Presentation. Hopefully I'll do a good job. Noone's smsing me alot, and I'm not used to it. Lol, I used to be smsing hundreds a day. But then like nowadays reduce alr leh. I dont like it, haha. Was revising my Geography, cos i gave up on History. Lol, told you guys alr right.
Btw, Selamat Hari Raya to the malays. I think it should be yesterday that i wished you all. And Happy Birthday to Tessa, which should also be yesterday. but i wished her yesterday in the morning alr. Haha. I got nothing else to say, i'm so bored. See, i'm so pathetic that i went to edit all my photos. Haha, so you'll be seeing editted photos for the next few posts.
I'm really looking forward to after exams leh. Tomorrow gonna have Ms Lim's supplementary class again. I'm gonna prepare alot of questions to ask again. haha, and I decided that maybe I should go 3E3. Because I'm scared of stress la, when i stress i can explode leh. Then what if I'm the lousiest in the best class. Lol, think so much. But primary school i'm like that lo. Went to the best mother-tongue class, but I'm the second lousiest. Lol, at least not the lousiest. But guess what, the lousiest is only two marks away from me. haha. So that guy, which i forgot who, was always competing with me. Sometimes i get the lousiest, sometimes it's him. Lol.
Currently staring at Hakim's DP, lol. He changed it to stuffing his money in his face. Wth, and I'm so not jealous. Haha. I'm still abit worried about the class design, haha, later some of them dont like. I was thinking that the name should seriously be changed to cliques. Haha. But we'll see tmr la. K, my post is long enough alr. Hehe, bye.
I remembered I wanna post about something. Lol, but I forgot. Too bad, it must be something more interesting than this boring post.
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